My Sheep Hear My Voice and They Come Running with Joy

Word for May 13th, 2021


My sheep hear My Voice and when they hear My Voice, really hear, deeply hear, then they follow Me. That 'hearing' is not just a superficial, "Oh, I heard that." When you take in what you are hearing, deep within you, it becomes a deep inner knowing; so that the more that you come to know Me and Who I Am and all that I have given to you and all I have to give to you everyday, that when you hear Me, then you follow Me. You need to counsel each other about 'hearing' Me because many still get caught in their own rebellious spirit and they go off and they don't follow Me. Counsel each other on 'hearing' Me, 'hearing' My Word. For through that their faith is built. Their knowing of Me is built up. Their knowing of who they are as My sheep is built up. Oh, then they hear My Voice and they come running. They come running with Joy to Me, for I Am the Good Shepherd. I Am here everyday to shepherd you, to lead you. Hear My Voice. Seek to hear My Voice more clearly and know all that My Voice has to offer you. So, you do hear, but what are you doing with that hearing? Receive. Receive My Voice. Receive My Love. Receive the abundant Life.


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