If You are Truly Fed Up with what the evil one is doing then You Will Rise Up
Word for May 5th, 2021
Have you had enough? Are you fed up? Are you fed up by what you see the evil one is doing in the world and in My Church? Are you fed up? Have you had enough? If you have indeed had enough of seeing the killing, the destruction, the stealing of the evil one, if you have had enough of that, then you will Rise Up. If you have not had enough, you will still hold back. You will be lackadaisical. You will blame other people, other generations. If you really have had enough of what you are seeing, then you will shake yourself awake and you will Rise Up and you will start walking in My Ways. You will fight the 'good fight.' You will come together in one accord. You will lay down your arms against one another and come together to fight who really needs to be fought. My Church is to be ruling the Nations! It is time, Church, to Rise Up and join with Me. And don't think when I say that that I am talking about somebody else. I am talking to you, which means I Am talking to everybody, to Rise Up. If you are really, truly fed up with what you are seeing, then let the fire burn in you and Rise Up. Stir the Spirit up that I have already placed in you and Rise Up and join Me and join one another!