Reach Out and Grab the Riches of Heaven
The riches of Heaven are near. Reach out and grab them, for they are yours for the taking. I don’t limit my riches to you.
If You Find Yourself in a Tangled Mess (Copy)
I have made the morning for you, My child. Embrace its beauty, its stillness. Embrace Me in the time of the morning. In the stillness, we walk together; precious time to share, to wonder, to embrace our Oneness.
I Delight in You More than You can Comprehend
I always want to talk with you, My Child. I delight in you and all you do as you journey along with Me, playing, repenting, ministering in My Son’s name.
Don't Look Away / Come Follow Me
My Light shines bright - Mega Bright! You can’t miss it, if you are looking. Are you looking? If you look and see…then…will you follow My Light?
Your Steps Will Be Ordered By Me
It is paramount that you love Me with all you heart. Lean not on your own understanding and serve Me with joy. When you do this I will continue to cleanse your heart, your mind, and your steps will be ordered by Me.
I Am Who I Say I AM
I am Who I say I am. Be bold, be reckless, for you never know when I will appear in My Power and Might.
Let Go and Surrender
Come walk the path that I have set before you. Come walk the path. But remember, I don't leave you to walk the path on y”
There is Always a Path Through
There is always a path through, for I have made a path through.
Lion of Judah
During the first worship time last night, when we were singing the song about the Lamb, I saw a lion’s head almost as high as the sanctuary.
You Call Me to Come - I Am Calling You to Come to Me
You call for Me to come. I am calling you to come to Me. You are excited that I would come, but don’t want to focus on your responsibility to come to Me.
Be Still and Know that I am God
Be still and know that I am God. This you know, so make time to Be Still.
My Child, disappointment is not of Me. It is the result of you, in vain, trying to make things happen your way.
Word Song: I Am Your Father / Glorify Me Now
My people, I love you. You are My Glory. You reign on earth and bring Heaven down with your praises. I raise you up to Glorify Me now, so that the world would see Me standing in this place.