Shallow Breathing Can't Sustain Abundant Life
Shallow breathing can't sustain abundant life. I have given you the Breath of Life. Breathe in deeply the Breath of Life. It's sustains you.
My Anointing Oil is Meant to Permeate into Every 'Nook and Cranny' of Your Life
My Anointing oil is meant to seep into every 'nook and cranny' in your life as you surrender those places to Me, more and more.
Be Careful of What and Who You are Influenced By, I Want You Influenced By Me
Be careful of what and who you are influenced by. I want you influenced by Me, listening to the Holy Spirit in you. Let Him be your Influencer.
Stop Fretting, I've Called You to Pray and Release My Power
Stop fretting! I didn't ask you to fret about things. I've called you to pray, to pray in the Name of Jesus…not to fret. Stop fretting! Lift things up before Me.
Listen to My News, Not the Liar's News
Listen to My News. Come on, My People, Listen to My News, not the liar's news. For when you listen to My News of who you are, what I Am doing, what I've called you to do, then you will 'see and know' when you look around.
Travel Rich in Me
Rich in Me. That's the way to go. That's the way to travel. Travel rich in Me. As you travel with Me, the Riches are already there.
Come Talk with Me for You Can Trust Me
In the morning light, come and talk with Me. Talk with Me like you do your most trusted friend, for I am so much more than your most trusted friend.
Honour Me with Your Tithes by Giving Them to Me from Your Heart
Honour Me with your tithes. Honour Me with your tithes. Don't cast your tithes to Me. I tell you to cast down your wicked ways.
Humble Yourself Before Me
Those that humble themselves before Me, I will exalt. I will lift you up. In due time you shall be lifted up. Humble yourself. Come before Me and lay down the cares.
Don't Be Distracted by a Tall Building, I Am Your Strong Tower
The tallest building in the city captures your eye, captures your wonder. The windows of glass glitter. You stand in awe of the wonder that man has made.
It's My Way or The Highway
It's My way or the highway. How many times have you heard people use that phrase, 'It's my way or the highway?' I have a Truth that applies to that statement.
I Have Never Left You Nor Forsaken You
I have never left you nor forsaken you. The times that you believe I have done so, that is a lie. That is because you have got caught in your own thinking, in your own emotions, in the things of the world and you don't sense My Presence.
I Speak! Are You Listening?
I speak. Are you Listening? I speak. Are you hearing? I speak. Are you applying what you hear? I speak. You listen. You hear. You apply what you have heard.
Step Into My Peace
The Peace, My Peace, that passes all understanding is there for you every moment of every day. To receive that Peace, to step into that Peace, you must put down your stress, your lack of faith, your lack of trust in Me.
Keep Your Eyes On Me and You Can Walk On Water
When you abide in Me, I bring the Peace to the storm. I quieten the storms in your life. I call you to walk out onto the waters, however and whatever the waters are for you, I call you to walk on water.
My Sheep Hear My Voice and They Come Running with Joy
My sheep hear My Voice and when they hear My Voice, really hear, deeply hear, then they follow Me. That ‘hearing’ is not just a superficial, “Oh, I heard that.”
I Point Out the Snares When You Walk With Me
When you walk with Me, My Child, I show you, I point out the snares, and there are many snares as you navigate through the world.
You Want to Be Successful - Live and Love Through Me
Do you want to be successful in life or do you want Me to be successful in you? Being successful in the world can be either through Me, or you on your own, orchestrating your own life.