Be Still and Know that I Am God
Be still and know that I Am God! Be still and know that I Am God. Be...Be who I've created you to Be. Be still.
I Am With You When You Read My Word
I saw the Hand of God reach out and He had a piece of paper in His Hand and He reached out and then I heard Him say…
Don't You Judge the Wicked, I AM the Judge
Don't judge the wicked. Don't you judge the wicked. I AM the One that judges all. I will judge you. I will judge all.
I Am the One that Serves Justice Upon the Wicked
I am the one that serves justice upon the wicked. Unless I have called you to act with Me to bring the justice, then don't you step out on your own.
Listen for the Lion of Judah
The Lion of Judah, listen, listen for the Lion of Judah, for He is moving and He is roaring and He is shaking things that need to be shaken.
Wait on me Expectantly Throughout the Day
When you wait on Me, when you're waiting on Me, when you are truly waiting on Me, it is all, whole encompassing experience throughout your days.
Trumpet the Good News and Living Water across the Land
Just like the elephants that raise their trunk high and they let out their sound from their belly and they trumpet the sound across the land and it is heard.
The Ring Leaders of the Evil are About to Fall
The ring leaders of evil in this world are about to fall. Soon they will fall.
My Church, Act on what I am Saying in this Time - Canada Needs you Now
My Church, I call you to pray, to understand what prayer is.
Be Quick to Act on the Things I Call you to Do
Be quick My Children. Be quick My Church. Be quick to act on the things that I speak to you to do.
As you Wait on the Answer to your Prayer, Have Faith
As you wait on the answer to your prayer, have faith My Child. Have faith.
I AM the Thunder and Lightening moving to Change the Atmosphere Now
My Mighty Thunder rolls across the land. The brightness of the Lightening flashes across the skies.
The Lion of Judah is Moving
The Lion of Judah is moving! The Lion, the Lion, the Lion is moving!
The Sound of my Voice is Moving across the Land
The sound of My Voice is moving across the land. The sound of My Voice is stirring things up.
Times are Changing - Be Willing and Prepared to Move
The times are changing. Are you willing to change?
This is but a Wisp of Time - I am Coming Soon!
These times are but a wisp of time in My total time, in all Time. And yet, it is a wisp of time, a wisp, a wisp, a wisp of time that is so crucial.
Be Flexible for I am Doing a New Thing
Be flexible. There is a need to be flexible. You need to let go of your rigidity about they way you do things or the way it has always been done.
Don’t Sit Back and Wait for Me to Move
My People, My Chosen Ones, don't sit back and wait for Me to 'do it,' watch for Me to 'do it,' because part of what I am 'doing' is calling you to rise up into the amazing 'doing' that is about the happen.
Be not be Dismayed - I am on the Scene
Be not dismayed, My Children, for I am on the scene. I am on the scene.