The Times are Changing but Fear Not for I Am in the Change
The times are changing. You see them change. I want you to be flexible in the changing of time, but not discouraged or forlorn.
You are Spreading the Gold Dust of My Glory
I have a Glorious Mystery I want to share with you. It's what happens when you are walking in the Spirit, in My Glory. When you are doing that, you are leaving behind you Gold Dust on your path.
The Floodgates of Heaven are Opening, Take Down the Hinderances
The floodgates of Heaven are opening. You've seen it. It's opening even more and will continue to. The Waters of Heaven are coming upon every hinderance, all the hinderances that exist.
My Thoughts are Always Upon You
In the morning light, are your thoughts upon Me? For My Thoughts are upon you. In the night when you awake, are your thoughts on Me? My Thoughts are on you.
If You're Wondering what I Am Doing Don't Ask Your Mind, Ask the Holy Spirit
When you want to know what I am doing, don't ask your Mind. Ask the Spirit in you. For He knows what I Am doing and I've given Him to you to direct your path.
Hold on the Breakthrough is Coming
Hold on My Children for the breakthrough is coming. The breakthrough is just around the corner. Do you feel it? Do you know it?
Mess, Mess, More Mess - Be Part of Cleaning Up With Me
Mess, mess, more mess...lots of mess in individuals lives, in groups and in nations...lots of mess. Man has created some of his own mess.
I Speak to You from My Word
I speak to you from My Word, for My Word, The Word, the everlasting Word is Life to You...has always been Life.
My Sound Moves faster that Supersonic!
Supersonic! You have a little bit of a glimpse of what supersonic means, but I want to tell you today that I Move faster, My Sound moves faster than supersonic.
I Am Pruning
Just like the branch fallen on the ground that the leaves whither and die, for it is cut off from the tree, off the source of life, know that I Am pruning and that it is I that comes along and prunes things from the Vine.
Some Wheels are Stopping, Some are Starting and Some are Speeding Up
Some wheels are slowing down and will come to a stop because I'm putting a stop to it! Some wheels are starting to move! Some wheels were already moving and their moving now quicker!
When the Winds of My Spirit Blow Strong
When the Winds of My Spirit blow Strong, it will come against things in the Church that need to be blown and blown over and blown away.
The Lion of Judah is Moving
Have you watched a cat walk, climb, jump? A cat manoeuvres with precise timing and placement of their feet; each step calculated, each jump calculated, each cry of their voice calculated.
My Winds are Changing! Watch the Flag! Work with Me!
The Winds are changing, for I AM the Wind and I AM blowing in a new direction. Watch the flag! A flag in the wind will be so sensitive to change it's direction; so quick. You look to the flag to see what direction the wind is blowing.
I Created the Heavens and Earth, I Created You to Be Creative
As you know, I created the heavens and the earth and I was pleased when it was finished. So when you have creative projects, whatever they are, know that that joy you feel inside you as you are doing that project, that comes from Me.
The Lion of Judah Steps Heavily Upon the Earth Right Now
The Lion of Judah steps heavily upon the earth right now and you will hear and you will feel the foot steps. He is not sneaking up upon you.
When I Move, Move With Me
When I move, move with Me. Move with Me. All you need to do to move with Me is to desire with your whole heart to be with Me. When you desire to be with Me, you've just aligned your will with My will.
Open the Doors and Windows in Your Life that are 'Stuffy' and Let the Winds of My Spirit Blow Through
The areas of your life that you have closed the doors to, or maybe you've never opened, are 'stuffy.' I call you to open the doors and windows of those areas in your life and let My Spirit blow through.
The 'Suddenlies' are About to Happen, Celebrate Now!
The 'suddenlies' are going to happen. The 'suddenlies' that you have been praying for, having faith for, hoping for, decreeing for. The 'suddenlies' are about to happen.
I Have Given You Puzzle Pieces for Your Life and My Great Plan
I have given you many puzzle pieces. Puzzle pieces for your life. Puzzle pieces that fit together in the Body of Christ.