Don't Show Favouritism
Don't show favouritism, for when you do you are undermining who I have created all My Children to be…in My Likeness, equal in My Sight. So when you…
Every Step You Take is a Highlight for Me
You tend to regard highlights as times of the culmination of so many things that come together in your life personally, or in the church, or in groups of you gathering. You see those as…
Mountain Climbers Work as a Team - The Body of Christ is Called to Do the Same
Have you ever watched a team of mountain climbers climb and watched the various strategies they use to do that? Or maybe you are someone that has done mountain climbing before and has hands-on experiences as to what that is like. Well, I Am going to talk about that today in terms of…
Don't Become Cynical - I Am Seeing You Through
Be careful, My Darling Children, not to become cynical in your thoughts or your actions, for you know that does not lead to life. I understand the anger. I understand the pain. I Am seeing you through. Give that…
My People Will Rise Up and the World Will Be Shocked
The soon, very soon, rising up of My People across the world will shock the world. For the world thought they had pushed you down, so far down that you could not rise up again. My People will…
I Am Knitting You Together into a Strong Rope
Oh My Children, I Am knitting you together. I have done knitting already. I will continue to knit you together. Submit to that knitting. Let Me knit you together. Cooperate with Me in the knitting together. For it is like a strong rope, a strong rope on a ship raising and lowering the anchor. That rope has to be…
Gather with Those that Stand For Me Not Against Me
Gather with those that stand for Me, not against Me. Gather together with those who set their eyes upon Me and lift up My Standard of Love among each other. Stand there with them. The Banner of Love overcomes all other things, all other struggles, when…
'Hunker Down' with Me
'Hunker down' My People. What do you think when you hear that phrase, 'hunker down?' You think of taking shelter? Maybe you think of gathering food and things you need around you for in your shelter.
Stand Strong, Stay Connected
In the storm of life, stand strong. When I tell you to stand strong you may think, "Oh, that's easier said than done," but when I call you to stand strong I've already given you what you need to accomplish that - to stand strong.
Things are Festering in My Church Around the World
Even things in the natural, in the natural body, when they're festering underneath the skin they must come up and come out to be cleansed and then heal from the inside out.
Together Stand Arm in Arm Stepping Forward
Together march forward. Together stand arm in arm, step by step moving forward. Do not break away. Do not break off. Stand arm in arm moving forward. Keep your eyes on Me.
When You are Troubled Where Do You Turn for Counsel?
When you are troubled, where do you turn? Whom do you turn to and why do you turn to them? When you are troubled, where do you turn? I want you to really ponder that.
Obstacles on Your Path
Obstacles! I want to talk to you about obstacles today because you need to understand obstacles in your life. There are things that are obstructing your journey with Me.
Don't Be Concerned About What Lies Ahead
Don't be concerned about what lies ahead, for I Am taking care of what lies ahead. You need to focus on right now. Are you serving Me? Are you Praising Me?
The Hare and the Tortoise
So you remember the story of the hare and the tortoise, right? Well, I don't want you being the hares, hopping all over the place and then getting exhausted.
I Give You 20/20 Vision for What is Coming
You say hindsight is 20/20. Well, I've given you the ability to look ahead, that you don't have to look behind. I give you 20/20 vision for what is coming.
Come and Play in the Joy I've Given to You
Come and play! Go out and Play! Play with each other! I love to see you playing for I have given you the gift of Joy, the gift to go out into the world and see Joy where you go.
Work Together in the Body of Christ
So often, you are caught in idle chatter. When you gather together, you have this misconception that you need to be talking all the time.
You Often Get Caught in Idle Chatter - Quieten and Share in My Presence with Each Other
So often, you are caught in idle chatter. When you gather together, you have this misconception that you need to be talking all the time.
Don't Travel Alone
Don't travel alone. I didn't create you to travel alone. I created you to travel in the Body, in the Body of Christ. For you, each one, have a gift.