Attend Your Ear to Me
My Sons and Daughters, attend your to ear to Me. Attend your ear to Me that you would hear Me. That you would know the way to walk. That you would know the decisions to make in your life according to My Will.
The World's Wells are Drying up - Draw from My Well of Living Water
The wells are drying up. The wells that you depend on of the world are drying up. The well that will never dry, that will never run dry is the Well filled with Living Water. That Living Water I give to you.
Sojourner, Get Perspective!
Well, this you already know. It's all about perspective. That you are to be sitting with Me in the High Places and you will have a clear perspective of all these things that you are talking about.
I AM the Eye of the Storm, Enter My Peace
Remember My Children, My Church, in the eye of the storm there is peace. I Am the Eye of the storm.
Seek Me with All of Your Heart and Trust There are Great Things Ahead
I call you to seek Me with all of your heart. When I speak to you, I want you to seek out the meaning of what I Am speaking, to engage in it. For it leads you to the deeper things.
Receive the Rest I Give to You
When I give you the times to rest, it is for a purpose. It is to empower you, to refresh you, to speak wisdom deep into you that you may not even get in your thinking mind yet.
Judge My Book by Its Cover
You use the phrase, 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' Well, I say to you, do judge One book by it's cover, and that is the cover that says The Bible, the Word of God, My Truth!
Prosperity is Not Something I want You Seeking After!
Prosperity is not something I want you seeking after. I have said in My Word you are to seek after the Kingdom of God. Everything that is about My Kingdom, seek after that.
Be Yoked with Me! Be Superglued to Me!
You know, you can be superglued to Me. My Word that says, be equally yoked with Jesus…as you grow in your understanding of how much you can trust Me, how much I Am there for you, how much you can surrender to My leading, every time you do that, it's like taking glue and gluing yourself to Me.
Walk the Holy Walk with Me to Avoid the Potholes
You know very well when the shocks on your vehicle need to be replaced. You know that because you hit yet another pothole and instead of just bouncing a little and coming back up, there is a 'kathunk' and you really feel it.
My People, Get Off the Ferris Wheel!
A ferris wheel goes round and round and round and round. It can give you an impression that you're actually going someplace, but of course you know that you're not.
Wait! Listen!
Wait! Listen! To wait, to listen, you must humble yourself. You must quieten your mind. You must believe that I have something to say worth hearing to wait and listen, to come into My Presence, to be aware of My Presence, to enter into the fullness of Who I Am.
I Know You Intimately, Come and Know Me More
I know your heart. I know you intimately. I know all. I know the desires of your heart. I know the areas that are still hardened; that as you come to Me, I heal. I know. You have a hard time understanding that.
The Greatest Truth is to Believe in Me, My Son and the Holy Spirit
Verily, verily, I say unto you, I have said, I am saying now, I will always say certainties, truths to you.
I Freely Give My Wisdom to You
I give you wisdom when you ask, and then when you position yourself to receive the wisdom that you've asked for, I will always give you wisdom. I want you to be as wise as serpents and gentle as a lamb.
Take My Word Personally, It is Meant for You
Pay attention to My Word. Take My Word to heart. I hear you say to each other things like, "Oh, don't take it personally." Well, I want you taking My Word personally because it is meant and was meant and will always be meant for you.
Listen, Hear, Receive, for I Am Speaking to You
Listen, hear, receive, for I Am speaking to you. I Am speaking to you, My Child. I have something wonderful to share with you, My Child. So listen, hear, receive!
My Desire is that you Know Me, Not just Know About Me
My desire is that you Know Me, not that you just know about Me, which sets Me apart. I want you to know Me. That is a matter of the heart, to know Me. It is also My Son's desire.
Resting is an Action
Resting is an action, for you have to choose to rest...resting in Me. There are many times you are caught in the doing, even the doing of things you are believing are Holy and you miss hearing Me call you to rest.
Come Into My Rest for It is a Holy Rest
Come into My Rest, for it is a Holy Rest that I have for you. Sometimes you keep moving ahead, moving here and there, when in that moment I am calling you to a time of rest, to rest in Me.