When you Walk with a Humble Heart you will Hear my Voice
When you walk with a humble heart, with your Being facing the path that I have called you to walk, then you will hear My Voice.
I Hear the Sound of your Voice and I Respond
I hear you, My Child, when you humble yourself, repent, call on My Name and run to Me.
Truly Humble Yourself
When you truly humble yourself before Me, when you remember that you can do nothing apart from Me, then you are in a position to hear Me Speak to you.
Let Go of Hindrances and Turn your Face to Me
It is time, My People, again and again and again I tell you to let go of the hinderances that are still with you.
Forgive Yourself
Forgive yourself, My Children. Specifically, today, I ask you to look within yourself for the times that you have blamed Me for the things that you are experiencing or that you see in the world that is happening.
Bow Down Before Me and No Other
Bow down before Me. Come My Children, bow down before Me. Bow down to no other for that leads to death. Let no idols be in your life.
Vengeance is Mine. Don't Take on Vengeance Yourself. Vengeance is Mine.
Vengeance is Mine. Don't take on vengeance yourself. Vengeance is Mine. I repay in My way the things others do or Nations do that are wrong and are not according to My precepts, and when that happens I bring vengeance.
The Perils of Life
The perils of life; many perils you have created yourself by walking in sin. Sin leads to death. I have told you this. I have told you many things in the world.
Condemnation vs Conviction
Condemnation is tormenting. Conviction leads to freedom and it is freedom I want for you, My People. The evil one - he wants to condemn you.
Superiority Breeds Contempt
Superiority breeds contempt. Being caught in feeling you have to be superior will then also cause you to feel inferior because it is a competition. It is a competition with one another.
I Speak to You Again About Repentance
Today, I speak to you again about repentance. Repentance is the doorway from sin to Grace and Mercy, to forgiveness. It is the way to become free from the sin.
Don’t Tattletale - That is Gossip
Don’t tattletale on one another, that is gossip. Tattletaling is childish. If you have real concerns bring them to Me.
Your Wicked Ways are Not Becoming to You
When you fail to follow My Ways, you will find yourself in treacherous places, being blinded, not knowing whether to turn to the right or to the left.
Don’t just say “I Am Sorry,” say, “Please Forgive Me?”
Saying, “I am sorry,” is way different than saying, “Please forgive me?” Saying, “I am sorry,” is just you recognizing that you said something or did something that you should not have done.
Forgive Yourself
Forgiveness is something that you need to give to yourself. You need to forgive yourself when you realize that you have done something that is not according to what I have asked you to do.
Be Ever So Quick to Forgive and Ever So Slow to Anger
Be ever so quick to forgive and ever so slow to anger. Watch out for pride. Oh, the evil one dangles pride in front of you all the time.
Forgiveness is a Gift I have Given to You
Forgiveness is a gift I have given to you. Receive the forgiveness. Jesus died for you, for each one of you...not one more than another...not one deserves forgiveness more than another.
Repent from Your Old Ways
Repent from your old ways. You know…I am always there to help you. Even with repentance, I am there to help you.